I am so delighted to announce that I have won the 2010
Annabel Williams Bespoke Course Competition!!
I can't explain just how much this means to me and what a HUGE deal it is.
I was first made aware of the Annabel Williams Contemporary Photography Training a couple of years ago when I went to see a seminar by Catherine Connor. Catherine's passion, drive and expertise completely won me over and I have been a huge fan of everything they do since that time.
A few months ago I received an email from the training centre regarding a competition to win a place on the incredible
Bespoke Programme. I spent a long time considering the entry and choosing images. Anyway, the deadline was a couple of weeks ago and a few days later I received a call (whilst out shopping) to say that I was one of the final six people. This completely blew me away and for a few minutes I was in emotional melt-down and just so stunned to get that far.
Yesterday I attended the interview at this stunning location in the Lake District. I was really, really nervous on entering the building but the minute I started chatting to the lovely Jane Breakell and Catherine Connor all those fears melted away and I quite honestly enjoyed every second of the interview... which is a first for me!
Anyway, to cut an already long story short, I just had a call from Mel at the studio and I have only gone and won the blooming thing!
No doubt I will re-blog this at some point as I really am in a state of shock. The implications this will have for my future career are utterly mind-blowing and I can't really take it all in at the moment, truly I can't. So I am going to go and have a cup of tea and stare out of the window in a really happy, over-awed, proud, teary-eyed daydream.
The blue sky photo is to remind myself that daydreams are so important and they really can come true.
L x