I was expecting good things as the images I have seen I have liked immensely what I was not expecting was for it to change the way I see my own photography. The exhibition was incredible, to actually see the images there, framed and large (not in a book) was breath-taking and whilst, yes, some are controversial all are intriguing and thought provoking but most of all, honest.
I have come away from there today eager to re-address how I see my images and how I eliminate ones that I feel aren't 'just right'.
I went back though some images taken only recently of my niece and my two childresn playing in a cornfield and near a river. When I was initially processing these images I was looking for some sort of mis-guided perfection and it is only now I realise this from seeing the absolute honest and frank portrayal by Sally Mann of her own children.
I had discounted some of the following for stupid reasons, Tom's sunglasses hiding his eyes, Eliza looking a bit grumpy in one image (but now the contrast of a little, cheeky smile adds something more), a railing partly obscuring Eliza's face. Ella looking grumpy too, Henry crying, strange plants at the bottom of the river that look like cabbage (!) and of course that nerdy little grey-man photographer voice that sits on my shoulder and shouts "no! you have over-exposed it there! The eyes aren't in focus! THE RULE OF THIRDS! YOU FORGOT THE RULE OF THIRDS!
OK, so I have prattled on enough... here are the photos... I feel really inspired.